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Rate Limiting

These are the rate limits applied to the creation of all kinds of resources stored within the LMS's database. These limits are meant to prevents users from abusing resource creation end-points, and are meant to be unrealistic numbers to reach under normal circumstances.

AnswerOptionQuestionEach question can have up to 15 answer options.
ApplicantCourseEach course can receive up to 10,000 applicants daily.
AssignmentTargetEach target can have only one assignment
AssignmentsPrerequisiteAssignmentAssignmentEach assignment can have upto 25 prerequisites
CalendarCourseEach course can have up to 100 calendars weekly.
CalendarEventCalendarEach user can create up to 100 calendar events daily.
CertificateCourseEach course can issue up to 100 certificates.
CoachNoteUserEach user can create up to 100 notes hourly.
CohortCourseEach course can have up to 100 cohorts daily.
CommunitySchoolEach school can have up to 100 communities.
CommunityCourseConnectionCommunityEach community can connect to up to 50 courses.
ContentBlockTargetVersionEach target version can contain up to 100 content blocks.
ContentVersionTargetEach target can have up to 100 versions.
CourseSchoolEach school can introduce up to 100 courses annually.
CourseAuthorCourseEach course can list up to 100 authors.
CourseExportCourseEach course can perform up to 25 exports hourly.
CourseExportsCohortCohortA user can add up to 100 cohorts per export.
DomainSchoolEach school can register up to 100 domains.
EvaluationCriterionCourseEach course can define up to 100 evaluation criteria.
IssuedCertificateIssuerEach issuer can issue up to 1,000 certificates hourly.
LevelCourseEach course can establish up to 25 levels.
MarkdownAttachmentUserEach user can upload up to 100 attachments daily.
ModerationReportUserEach user can create up to 100 reports hourly.
OrganisationSchoolEach school can establish up to 100 organisations daily.
OrganisationAdminOrganisationEach organisation can have up to 100 admins.
PostCreatorCreators can post up to 250 times hourly.
PostLikeUserUsers can like up to 250 posts hourly.
QuizQuestionQuizEach quiz can have up to 50 questions.
ReactionUserEach user can add up to 1000 reactions hourly.
SchoolLinkSchoolEach school can create up to 25 links.
StartupFeedbackSubmissionEach submission can receive up to 25 feedbacks.
StudentCohortEach cohort can admit up to 5,000 students hourly.
StandingSchoolEach school can create upto 15 standings.
SubmissionCommentUserEach user can create up to 300 comments hourly.
SubmissionReportSubmissionEach submission can receive up to 25 reports hourly.
TargetTargetGroupEach target group can have up to 100 targets.
TargetGroupLevelEach level can contain up to 25 target groups.
TargetVersionTargetEach target can get up to 25 versions daily.
TeamCohortEach cohort can form up to 2,500 teams hourly.
TimelineEventFileUserEach user can upload up to 50 files hourly.
TopicCommunityUp to 1,000 topics can be created hourly.
TopicCategoryCommunityEach community can have up to 25 categories.
UserStandingUserEach admin can create up to 5000 standing log entries hourly.
UserStandingUserEach user can have up to 100 standing log entries.
WebhookEndpointCourseEach course can set up to 25 endpoints.