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Crafting Code of Conduct

Pupilfirst allows you to create a custom Code of Conduct for your school. The Code of Conduct is a set of rules that students/members of your school are expected to follow. The members of the school can access the Code of Conduct from the user standing page or from the link in the footer of the school website.

This page lists an example Code of Conduct template that shows different sections and explains what each section could contain in simple words. Your can also refer the Code of Conduct of Pupilfirst School and any other Code of Conduct you can find on the internet to get an idea of what a Code of Conduct should contain.

Note: Some parts of the following example Code of Conduct template was generated using ChatGPT.

Code of Conduct Template

# [Your School's Name] school Code of Conduct


- Welcome to [Your School's Name] school Here are the rules to ensure a great learning experience for everyone.

### Academic Integrity: Our Commitment to Honest Learning

**1. Academic Conduct: Dos and Don'ts**

- **Positive Practices:** Follow assignment instructions and solve problems independently. Seek help when needed.
- **Prohibited Actions:** No copying, cheating, or sharing complete answers.

**2. Course-Specific Guidelines**

- Remember, some subjects like computer science might have additional rules, especially about using technology.

**3. Upholding Academic Standards**

- Teachers and staff will check your work to make sure you're on track and following these guidelines.

**4. Addressing Academic Misconduct**

- If there's a concern about your work, we'll discuss it with you. You'll have a chance to share your side.

**5. Consequences for Academic Misconduct**

- Depending on the issue, you might get a warning or face other consequences for not following the rules.

### Community Behavior: Creating a Respectful Environment

**6. Positive Community Interactions**

- **Encouraged Behavior:** Treat everyone kindly, respect different opinions, and apologize for mistakes.
- **Unacceptable Behavior:** Being mean, teasing, or sharing someone’s private info without consent is not allowed.

**7. Community Moderation**

- Our team is here to help everyone get along and treat each other well.

**8. Behavior Expectations in School Spaces**

- Be respectful in all areas related to our school, including online classrooms and forums.

**9. Responding to Disrespectful Behavior**

- If issues arise, we'll investigate and decide the best course of action.

**10. Outcomes for Disrespectful Behavior**

- Actions may range from a gentle reminder to a break from certain school activities, depending on the situation.

**Acknowledgments and Attribution**

- Parts of this template were generated using AI assistance from ChatGPT.

**Updates & Contact Information**

- Last updated on [Date]. If you have questions, email us at [Your School's Contact Email Address].